At 01:12 AM 8/7/03, you wrote:
>Hmm, "joy" is not the word I would use for the Allaire Developer
>Gallery. It was butt ugly and slow and, now that we've migrated the
>database content across to a new system, we're realizing just how
>little QA and organization had been applied to it. I'm going to try to
>get more involved in the admin of the Exchanges (because I'm a glutton
>for punishment!) so that we can at least organize the content...


Thanks for getting involved.  Your willingness to participate is 
invaluable!  Yes, you are correct - I had gotten used to the slow speeds 
because at least I had less effort in finding what I'd needed due to other 

> > I HATE having to re-search on something every time I try to go BACK
> > after
> > viewing a tag.
>Yeah, common complaint. We're fixing it.

Looking forward to that fix!

> > Why can't the grid be better designed for user friendliness, like
> > having a
> > whole two sentence description go from left to right across the screen
> > so I
> > can make a better decision before clicking?
>Interesting suggestion. I'll forward it to the Exchange team.

Perfect! Grateful!

> > Why can't I click on a tag I want to view and have it open in a new
> > window,
> > or a floating window?
>See above.

Again, grateful! 


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