I've tested it out a few ways to Sunday and the results are always the same. As
long as the CFC is cached, only the first 'use' of the CFC will result in any
session information being written for the user. Every additional attempt results
in no session being written.
This is the code.
<CFIF not IsDefined('Application.CFC.User')>
 <cfparam name="Application.cfc" default="#structNew()#">
 <CFOBJECT NAME="Application.CFC.User" COMPONENT="components.user">
  <cfinvoke component ="#Application.CFC.User#" method = "Init">
 <CFINVOKE COMPONENT="#Application.CFC.User#" METHOD="Login"
  <CFINVOKEARGUMENT NAME="Username" VALUE="#Username#">
  <CFINVOKEARGUMENT NAME="Password" VALUE="#Password#">
Is it possible that when I upgraded to 6.1 from the last beta something went
wrong? I'm seeing  6,1,0,60662  as the build.

> On Sunday, Aug 10, 2003, at 21:43 US/Pacific, Michael Dinowitz wrote:
> > Running full release of 6.1 on a machine that was running the beta.
> Hmm, weird. The page context bug is *definitely* fixed in Red Sky, even
> in the beta versions!
> > What is this page context bug, where can I read more about it and is
> > there a fix
> http://www.google.com/search?q=page+context+bug&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
> The fix should be CFMX 6.1!
> Since that *does* fix the bug, let's see your code... maybe you've got
> a bug in your code?
> Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
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