I am pretty sure I have the world's easiest problem, however I having
fits using the function "isUserInRole." Specifically, when I
authenticate a user I pull all of their group ID privileges and turn
them into a list. I assign this list to the roles attribute of
cfloginuser. Now, when I specifically, know I want to keep someone out
of a certain section, I can easily use isUserInRole("6") to decided
whether or not to provide them with the privilege item.

Now, I have a recordset from a query of available links which have a
single security value, at_id. When I loop through the recordset I want
to display the link based on whether or not the person has the proper
privileges. For example:

Roles = 1,2,3

Recordset (qFoo)
At_id = 2,4

<cfloop query="qFoo">
  <cfif isUserInRole("#qFoo.at_id#")>
    -- When recordset containing at_id = 2 is processed, display this
string --

I hope I made some sense. I tried an index loop and that did not work
either (or at least my implementation). Any suggestions? I really like
the functions associated with the CFLOGIN tag so rolling my own is not
an option at this point (unless I really have to).

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!

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