I'm on digest mode so I might be behind in replying, but I hope I can help 
on the mach-ii install issues

You're not tied at all when it comes to the placement of files. Though when 
you first open the box it might not appear so, . everything out of the 
framework is configureable.

If you're wanting the quickest install, . the one hal has done is by far the 

It doesn't require any changes.
If you're wanting the framework itself (excluding the demo apps) outside of 
the webroot, or nested within another directory a machii mapping is all that 
it needs to function.

if you want all of the demo applications and machii under one "testsite"

wwwroot (or whatever root your using)\

then you'll have to configure the xml file for *each* demoapplication.

To change your directory notation in the xmlfile.
<property name="applicationRoot" value="/ContactManager" /> will become
<property name="applicationRoot" value="../ContactManager" />

and all 'types' (listners event-filter) eg. 
ContactManager.model.ContactManager will become

Note : testsite can represent more than one directory. If you have
then the type would be 
testsite.examplecode.ContactManager.model.ContactManager and the application 
root would be
<property name="applicationRoot" value="../../ContactManager" /> since it's 
directory is two levels down.

Both of the above require a mapping to the machii folder. Keep in mind if 
you've already tried to run the application you'll have to go to the 
mach-ii.cfm and change the MACHII_CONFIG_MODE to 1 to force a reload. Also, 
if you're getting an error on reading the xml file. the mach-ii.cfm page is 
where to look, just set the expandpath() to the actual location of that 
config file. (each demo has it's own config file in the config directory.)

Since directory notation is hardcoded in the model of the demo 
applications,. there will probably need to be a change to set the path of 
the component (find and replace the dir seems the easiest way around it)

Or you can just create a  mapping to shoppingcart, contactmanager, roullete.

again, Hals is defiently easier, but there isn't any true limitation on 
where you're putting the files

Hope that helps

resent with the right subject, .. (sigh...)

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 1:54 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: Mach II 1.0 released
>and not too much to help out there is there?
>tony weeg
>uncertified advanced cold fusion developer
>tony at navtrak dot net
>office 410.548.2337
>fax 410.860.2337
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 1:48 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: Mach II 1.0 released
>I'm puzzled too, Tony. All I've done is open the MachII_1_0_0.zip file
>extract it to c:\inetpub\wwwroot.   It happily installed all the files
>folders under c:\inetput\wwwroot\machii.
>Dave Carabetta said I also had to unpack the contactmanager app, but
>there is already a contactmanager folder under the Machii folder.  Is
>this not the
>sample app?
>After I unzipped the machii file, I navigated to http://localhost/machii
>that's where I got the error message.   When I went to
>http://localhost/machii/contactmanager  I got another message saying
>something couldn't be found.
>I have to say that just looking at all these files doesn't help much.
>There are now 56 files under the /machii folder, and while I haven't
>actually looked at all of them, none I've found seem to do anything
>themselves, they
>all seem to call something else.   I can't see where any data is being
>stored, and what all these files do is not at all obvious to me.
>I guess this machii thing is going to be beyond me until I can win lotto
>and afford to travel to a training session in the USA.
>It's certainly not like fusebox, where the functionality of everything
>is pretty obvious and it's easy to follow what's doing what even for
>non-fusebox people.
>Michael Kear
>Windsor, NSW, Australia
>AFP Webworks.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, 14 August 2003 3:20 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: Mach II 1.0 released
>I don't have a mapping in my cfadministrator?
>what am I missing? is there some sort of install this this way freakin
>doc somewhere?
>tony weeg
>uncertified advanced cold fusion developer
>tony at navtrak dot net
>office 410.548.2337
>fax 410.860.2337

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