Another great reason for CFMX6.1, vars still need to be at the top but they can now be 
inside a CFSCRIPT block.

<cffunction name="getFoo">
        <cfargument name="who" default="me">
                var name = "";
                name = "mike";
        <cfreturn name>



-----Original Message-----
From: Massimo Foti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 10:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: UDF in CFC's - was: CFC Issues....

> >> <cfscript>
> >> function boring() { return now(); }
> >> </cfscript>
> > wow!.. I didn't know you could do that.
> Why would anyone want to?
> You can't set the access type, you can't specify the return type, you 
> can't specify any argument types.

<cffunction> offers a lot of benefits, but many still like a lot the scripting syntax. 
I gave up on <script> for UDFs for the reasons you listed above, but I go back to 
<cfscript> pretty often

> You can still use <cfscript> for the *body* of all your functions 
> (after the <cfset> tags for your 'var' scope local variables!).

What drives me crazy is that the compiler doesn't let me declare all the 'var' scope 
local variables in a single <cfscript> tag after the opening <cffunction>...

Massimo Foti
Certified Dreamweaver MX Developer
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer


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