Issac more or less covered why im using wddx. Because its so simple.
You can with with one statement, convert a struct to wddx, and wddx to a struct. You 
cant get any easier than that.

The reasion i chose to store attributes in this manor was for flexibilty and 
expandability. This is for an inventory system. Currently we have 30+ customers, all 
who have similiar, and different fields for their product data. And as i said, if i 
had it all in one field, well that would be a table with 50+ columns. And i also 
wanted to give the option for the administrators of the app to add new fields and etc. 
Well if i let them add new fields, and i created new DB columns every time, that would 
just be a DB disaster.
The wddx method worked fine, with little performance issues, i did a test with 1000+ 
items in the DB, and outputed them all at once, there wasnt much of a load. But as you 
pointed out, it has its limitations.

Im working on something with the best of both worlds i think. I basically made a 
"product_attributes" table that links to the product table. All the attribtues can go 
there. Its not what i originally wanted to do, but im meeting myself in the middle 
here. hah


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