And on one fell stroke all my problems are solved...
Muchos gracias :)
You've saved me a lot of time and effort!!

On 26/8/03 21:10, "Dave Carabetta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Heylo
>> Im having issues sharing sessions across subdomains...
>> I (obviously foolishly) thought that if I had a session at the main domain,
>> and then went to a subdomain of that domain I would maintain session, but
>> that doesnąt seem to be the case (?)
>> I'm using the same cfapplication name in both the main site and the
>> subdomain, but still no...
>> I have a cookie that gets set when ur logged in, is there any way of
>> accessing this at the subdomain?
>> Any thoughts gratefully received :)
> Do you have the setDomainCookies attribute of the cfapplication tag set to
> "yes"? If not explicitly set, it defaults to "no", which I suspect might be
> your problem.
> Regards,
> Dave.
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