
As I said, it appeared to resolve an issue. I believe it was an issue where
an extraneous </cfif> was inserted in a very specific code sequence. But
then again, I may have also removed the Translators near the same time.

I don't recall any side effects that impacted anything I did with DWMX as it
regards handcoding.

The conversation was on CF code specifically. Not trying to save the world
here, just trying to lend a hand.

Again, removing the Translators and Behaviors could resolve the issue that
started this thread, and that is helpful if someone has no use for those
features that do violate Code Trust.

My thoughts are that it is a good thing to discuss these things,
specifically in a forum that MM folks are attentive to, so that they can see
where the needs for improvement for development tools support for their
application servers are at. Knowledge and idea sharing are also good things

- Calvin

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Massimo Foti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: Dreamweaver MX adding random code

> > Have you actually tested removing the Translators and Behaviors, and
> > attempted to recreate some of these issues?
> Yes I did and I tried to push it pretty hard for a few days. It help, it
> also has some nasty side-effects (nothing that could really affect
> hand-coders), but in the end it doesn't solve all the problems.
> The whole Code Trust issues have very deep roots. If you want to test it
> out, get rid of all Translators, Server Behaviours and whatever you like;
> then open a few dozens of XSL files (examples from books would be just
> fine), finally, count how many of them get screwed by only opening them in
> DW...
> I am suggesting XSL files just because it's the kind of files DW screws
> easily (especially if they have XHTML embeded inside), but the same can
> happen with CFML, ASP, PHP (especially with Smarty) or anything else.
> > And removing the Server Behaviours appears to remove some code
> Being somewhat familiar with DW's architecture and the Server Behaviours,
> can't imagine how removing Server Behaviours, without getting rid of
> Translators too, could improve things. Do you have a test case for it? I
> would be sincerely interested in seeing/reproduce it
> ----------------------------
> Massimo Foti
> Certified Dreamweaver MX Developer
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
> ----------------------------

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