why even build a web app....why not build a client/server app?
I guess knowing what they do would help....but anyways...back to work ;-)

Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

Macromedia Associate Partner
Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
Founder & Director
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Wilker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 1:11 PM
Subject: RE: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?

> Nope they are independent. That's why CF is not cost effective. Were they
> connect to a single server there wouldn't be a problem
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bryan Stevenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:44 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?
> Well if your little devices are using web apps why would you need a
> per device?  Do these devices not connect to a web server that is serving
> these apps?  Wouldn't you only need a licence for that server?
> Perhaps I missed something.
> Oh ya...and there are cheap versions (Standard)...and as Matt L.
> said....BlueDragon
> Cheers
> Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
> VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
> Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
> t. 250.920.8830
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Macromedia Associate Partner
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
> Founder & Director
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Wilker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:38 PM
> Subject: RE: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?
> > Exactly Matt,
> >
> > Whenever the topic of which app server to go to price has almost
> > always
> been
> > what kills CF in my experience. When money is no option it's fine, but
> money
> > is more and more becoming the object.
> >
> > It's one thing to say CF is still cheaper than BEA or whatever on a
> > per
> > type of deal, but the small shop that has a single CPU webserver,
> > doesn't really car that they are saving money compared to the BEA
> > licenses they're not interested in.
> >
> > The one thing (I've said it before) that I'd love to see would be some
> sort
> > of low cost version of CF (no verity, maybe less DB support, maybe no
> > sandboxes and such) that can be used on devices that use a web app. My
> > company sells such devices and I'd love it if all of them ran CF apps,
> > but 1k - 5k per unit is way too much for software. (Our units also
> > only have
> one
> > CPU)
> >
> > I wish I could propose a model that lets MACR charge less or nothing
> > for
> MM
> > but I know they need to make money.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Matt Blatchley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:06 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: RE: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?
> >
> >
> > I would think one reason is the cost of the CFServer.  Every person
> > I've talked to that is outside of the CF development world tells me
> > the reason they never got into ColdFusion or don't get into it is
> > because of the
> cost.
> > Although I really enjoy CF, PHP and MySQL are basically free.  It's
> > very difficult to convince someone to switch from paying nothing to
> > having to dump thousand into just owning the license.  Then having to
> > pay for the
> pipe
> > and servers on top of the CFlicense costs.  Although we are all aware
> > of
> the
> > numerous ways to cut the costs like leasing the license, it still
> > deters people for making the jump.  Just my experience when I work
> > with ASP, PHP, and JSP folks.  The competition is too much for MM when
> > the competitors products are free, even with the capability issues
> > that the others don't offer.
> >
> > My2cents
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 1:51 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?
> >
> >
> > Sure, just take a look at MM's SEC filings. They detail what product
> > lines produced what revenues. Generally speaking, the documents lump
> > all server-side software sales together, so one could make the
> > argument that
> it
> > is JRun that is actually shrinking and CF. However, having
> > participated in the MM earnings conference calls, they tend to break
> > down the sales
> figures
> > better orally.
> >
> > For example, from their 10-K filling...
> >
> > Our Software Tools products had net revenues of $270.1 million in
> > fiscal year 2003, as compared to $242.5 million in fiscal year 2002.
> > This
> increase
> > was primarily due to the launch of new Software Tools products and new
> > versions of existing Software Tools products, including our MX family
> > of products and Macromedia Contribute. Macromedia Studio MX, which was
> launched
> > in the first quarter of fiscal year 2003, represented approximately
> > 31% of our net revenues in the current fiscal year. While sales of
> > Macromedia Studio MX did result in a decrease in sales of our
> > stand-alone products
> that
> > are included in our Studio MX bundle, aggregate sales from all of our
> > MX products increased by 13% in fiscal year 2003 as compared to fiscal
> > year 2002. This increase was partially offset by a decline in net
> > revenues from our Server Software products, primarily Macromedia
> > ColdFusion MX. Server Software product revenues decreased to $53.0
> > million in fiscal year 2003,
> as
> > compared to $60.1 million in fiscal year 2002. This decrease was
> > primarily due to continued pricing pressures resulting from a very
> > competitive
> market
> > environment, partially offset by releases of new versions of existing
> > products during the current fiscal year.
> >
> > -Matt
> >
> > On Thursday, August 28, 2003, at 02:38 PM, Tyler Silcox wrote:
> >
> > > Matt wrote: The market for ASP and PHP is growing, while the CF
> > > market is shrinking.
> > >
> > > Do you have any evidence of this, or is it a personal
> > > observation/opinion? (I'm not challenging you, I just have a
> > > professional curiosity...)
> > >
> > > Tyler
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 1:48 PM
> > > To: CF-Talk
> > > Subject: Re: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?
> > >
> > >> Granted, I pretty much stopped using DW when MX rolled out, but
> > >> lots of people love it. You can't expect MM to stop schmoozing it's
> > >> pre-existing customer base and ONLY focus on CF. Seriously now, you
> > >> don't want all those ASP and PHP folks spending their money
> > >> somewhere else - the beauty of it is that all of those people who
> > >> buy DW and use it to code PHP and ASP are contributing to the
> > >> future of MM and CF with their funds.
> > >>
> > > I disagree with the above statement. The market for ASP and PHP is
> > > growing, while the CF market is shrinking. Certainly, there is
> > > reason right now for Macromedia to support ASP, PHP, and CF, but at
> > > what point does the size of
> > > each respective market force MM to focus DW on only the largest
> > > markets,
> > > namely ASP and PHP?
> > >
> > > Matt Liotta
> > > President & CEO
> > > Montara Software, Inc.
> > >
> > > (888) 408-0900 x901
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >

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