The first choice is the pinnacle of bad OO design, and is totally unnecessary in OO 
languages (it's what method overloading is for).  The second choice is much better.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2003 3:36 pm
Subject: Basic CFC method design question.

> Generally which is better, a single method with branching logic 
> based on a
> parameter, or separate methods? Or is there no really difference 
> and depends
> on the personal choice and the situation.
> I am in the process of converting some procedural code onto cfc's. 
> I have
> several queries that where written to serve multiple purposes 
> based on the
> parameter passed to them.  Basically something along these lines...
> <cfif = true>
> <cfquery ...>
>       INSERT INTO tableA      
>       (Field1, Field, Field 3)
>       Values (A,B,C)
> </cfquery>
> </cfif>
> <cfquery ...>
>       INSERT INTO tableB
>       (field1, field2, field3)
>       VALUES(D,E,F)
> </cfquery>
> Basicaly if the insert is a new category add category date to the 
> category,if it is just a new data about an existing category added 
> it to the details
> table.  How might some of you more expienced OO types design this?
> --------------
> Ian Skinner
> Web Programmer
> BloodSource
> Sacramento, CA

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