Shannon Rhodes wrote:

 > I think I need a balance between letting CF templates "do it all" for me,
 > and the tedious work of writing in each page information that is probably
 > the same 80% of the time in a given section.
 > Can anyone suggest a "best practices" approach to using cfinclude for 
 > elements?  Should I hard code in most of the head area of documents, so I
 > can put in page-level titles, meta tags, and page-specific styles &
 > JavaScript, followed by a cfinclude containing the remainder of the head
 > with links to the master style sheet, and any design code that will not
 > change, followed by another include for section-specific design 
images?  Any
 > suggestions are appreciated!


Assuming that my previous email got bounced by the CF-talk bot for not 
recognizing my munged email address, I'm trying this one again. If not I 
apologise for the duplicate posting.

First of all I'd avoid putting the header and footers in you 
application.cfm and onrequestend.cfm pages. Those should be used for 
code specifics. Here's what I do, create a template in Dreamweaver and 
where the content is to go, have a cfoutput, something like this:

Then on the pages with the processing and other cfcode, surround that 
code with a cfsavecontent. Then you use an cfinclude to get the template 
as in

<cfsavecontent variable = "variables.ResultsOutput">
   <!--- whatever cf code goes in there --->
<cfinclude template="Display_template.cfm>

Alternatively you could set which particular template to use based on 
the processing results. This approach allows you to be very flexible in 
your template handling. Another advantage is that if you use Dreamweaver 
to design your templates, you can update or change the display template 
without having to worry about messing up your CF code.

Assuming that the power has been restored at my former employer, you can 
see an example of this at




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