> Not that I am an expert on any of this, but can you really go to
unicode.org an expect any acronym with a U in it not to mean Unicode?

well they actually acknowledge UCS in the OR bit. they also have UCS-2, etc
defined in their glossary and they have synched up to ISO 10646, etc.--so
they aren't that one-sided. but since the unicode consortium is doing most
of the work these days (or did, the commercial driving force behind it looks
to be satisified with the encoding "as is" and may actually peter out) i
guess i'll take their definition.

> Reading rfc2044 at ietf.org, I get...

"UTF-8, a transformation format of Unicode and ISO 10646"

> So Andre may still be correct.

hard to say. for me its still unicode as the char codes represented in that
transform is unicode. its not used by anything else, etc.

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