Speaking of more legitimacy -- what's up with chain bookstores always filing
the CF titles under "graphic/web design"?

I asked an employee of my local Barnes and Nobel the other day and he said
this was a corporate decision.  

Personally, it always irks me that CF books aren't in with the programming
books.  Maybe we should all start complaining to the chains about this, and
MM -- MM should file its own protests. I think.


Howard Owens
Internet Operations Coordinator
Ventura County Star / E.W. Scripps Co.
AIM: GoCatGo1956

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Hodder [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 12:38 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CFV: comp.lang.coldfusion Usenet Newsgroup
> Jim McAtee wrote:
> > There's already a CF newsgroup.  Why the need for another?
> It's covered in the comp.lang.coldfusion rationale.  Some of us on the
> existing alt.comp.lang.coldfusion group feel a "proper" comp.* group
> would give ColdFusion more legitimacy, as well as the group having
> better propagation, longer message retention periods, etc.
> Regards,
> Dave
>   _____  
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