Thanks Jeremy.

It's actually a fully-fledged FM station but a community volunteer
organisation.  We're not going to be streaming at all - that's far too
expensive.  It costs thousands for the bandwidth to stream broadcast quality
content for 24/7.   The station has been going for nearly 21 years now, and
for the 21st  birthday we're going to rebuild the site.

I've been maintaining it for a while now, and it's all static and pretty
boring really. I had to make a change to the nav bar the other day and
because it's all static, it took me a couple of hours to make and test all
the changes.   NO!  That has to stop.

SO . dynamic site.  Use coldfusion to build the site from a database.  Now.
What to put in the site?  What would be better to have than we have now?
That's the point I'm at.


Michael Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Brodie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 1 October 2003 10:56 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:OT: Looking for radio station sites


I'm a fan a, especally the sections where one can customize their
own stations. I think they do a great job, through their influencers section
of bringing community based radio to the forefront.

The hard part of course for delivering Internet radio is gathering the
content, encoding the content and streaming the content in a way that ads
are played at the right time/place (not the technology of picking the actual

This part is extremely tricky to automate, espcally if you're using Windows
Media Server to stream.

Jeremy Brodie
an Edgewater Technology Solutions Company

phone:(703) 815-2500
nasdaq symbol: EDGE

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