Hi Folks,

I'm wondering if anyone's run into this before.  We recently upgraded
one of our servers from NT4/CF 4.5 to Windows 2k/CF MX.  One of the
applications running on the server uses a dynamically generated menu -
lots of _javascript_.  Everything seemed to be running fine - until one of
our clients, who's still running Netscape 4.61 (yes, I know - but we
can't do anything about it) reported some weird behaviour.  It seems now
that most of the time, all the text on the page is showing up as small,
hollow rectangles.

The text is actually still there - if you re-size the browser window,
it'll show as regular text again... for a while.  If you flip to another
window, & then flip back, it'll once again redraw as little rectangles.
If you copy & paste the 'rectangles' into something else, it shows up as
the correct text.  The links still work, etc - you just can't tell what
anything says.  I'll be happy to provide screen shots upon request. :)

Has anyone run into anything like this before?  Anyone have any


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