I don't know if this is a possible bug (or maybe i am doing something
wrong), but when using recursion with a query in the function scope
it is overwritten on the next call of the function.  i did find a
workaround, but want to know is what is intended.

I have this function which orders sibilings from a result set that is
a hierarchacl tree of nodes with ids and parentids.(btw i know in
oracle 9i this functino exists, but we are running 8i) the query
looks like this:

<cfquery name="getStandardRet" datasource="test">
  SELECT upper(name) as uppername, name,level as
  FROM sn_standard
  START WITH frameid = '#arguments.key#'
  CONNECT BY PRIOR frameid = parentid

I call the orderbysibling function by passing the the parent of the

<cfset startid = getStandardRet["frameid"][1] />
<cfset orderedQuery =
QueryNew("frameid,parentid,depth,name,description") />
<cfset QueryAddRow(orderedQuery) />
<cfset QuerySetCell(orderedQuery,"depth",getStandardRet["depth"][1])>
<cfset QuerySetCell(orderedQuery,"name",getStandardRet["name"][1])>
<cfset orderbySibling(startid) />

---orderbySibling function
<cffunction name="orderbySibling">
  <cfargument name="nodeid" required="true" />

  <cfquery name="qsiblings" dbtype="query">
    select frameid,depth,name,description,parentid
    from getStandardRet
    where parentid = '#nodeid#'
    order by uppername

  <cfloop query="qsiblings">
    <cfset QueryAddRow(orderedQuery) />
    <cfset QuerySetCell(orderedQuery,"frameid",qsiblings.frameid)>
    <cfset QuerySetCell(orderedQuery,"depth",qsiblings.depth)>      
    <cfset QuerySetCell(orderedQuery,"name",qsiblings.name)>
    <cfset QuerySetCell(orderedQuery,"parentid",qsiblings.parentid)>
    <cfset orderbySibling(qsiblings.frameid) />

--- this is the workaround
<cffunction name="orderbySibling">
  <cfargument name="nodeid" required="true" />
  <cfargument name="foo" required="false" />

  <cfquery name="qsiblings" dbtype="query">
    select frameid,depth,name,description,parentid
    from getStandardRet
    where parentid = '#nodeid#'
    order by uppername

  <cfset arguments.foo = qsiblings />
  <cfloop query="arguments.foo">
    <cfset QueryAddRow(orderedQuery) />
    <cfset QuerySetCell(orderedQuery,"depth",arguments.foo.depth)>   
    <cfset QuerySetCell(orderedQuery,"name",arguments.foo.name)>
    <cfset orderbySibling(arguments.foo.frameid) />

To me it seems that the query(all variables of the function) should
be pushed onto the stack at each time the function is called.  the
workaround is a hack that forces the query qsiblings to take a
different scope so that the data will be preserved as it comes up out
of the recursive calls.  i have also noticed that if you use a
varialbe in the original calling scope that it is seen as a global
variable in the recursive function and not local to the scope of the
original calling function.  

Does anyone know of a good document that it explains all of the
scopes in cfmx and their relationships?


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