> Well, the domain name HE owns. He has since transferred it to a
> different
> host. The website I designed was actually online for a while, but he
> didn't
> pay the host so he was canceled. So all that I did was design the
> site, for
> free, provided I run the site. He is now threatening to sue me, but who
> knows. Any ideas? Should I contact a lawyer?
I wouldn't worry too much as this person has probably not received
legal advise from a lawyer. If he had, he wouldn't threaten to sue; you
would just receive a polite letter from his attorney asking for the web
site and some time frame an expected response must be made by. Usually,
if you chose not to respond at by then, a suit would be filled. No
lawyer would ever threaten to sue you since that is grounds to sue them

Matt Liotta
President & CEO
Montara Software, Inc.
(888) 408-0900 x901

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