> According to the instructions for upgrading MX to MX 6.1, I
> must first undeploy Cold Fusion MX before deploying Cold
> Fusion MX 6.1; the instructions for undeploying say to
> simply delete the cfusion directory from your server.
> This confuses me, since that directory is where all of the
> Cold Fusion files for our website live; to delete the directory
> is to delete our website entirely.
> I feel like I've missed something very important. I have read
> and reread the documentation and cannot find any indication that
> Cold Fusion pages can be deployed anywhere but in the cfusion
> directory, but it doesn't make sense that you'd destroy your
> entire website to upgrade Cold Fusion.

Depending on how your web server is configured, you may very well have CFM
files in a directory outside of your ColdFusion directory. But since that's
where you have them, you should copy them somewhere else first, then
continue your undeployment. You might also want to export datasource
settings and the like using the Archive & Restore functionality from the CF

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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