It is a VERY bad call to turn on any type of activeX / scripting support in your e-mail programs, as this is a HUGE security hole for spammers / hackers.

This is especially true in Outlook, where if you have the preview pane turned on (so you can see the message below the list of messages in your inbox), just clicking on the message (to delete it, for instance) will cause Outlook to load the message and execute the HTML.  If you turn on _javascript_ / active scripting / activeX from within Internet Explorer, which outlook uses to display HTML messages, then any spammer who sends a malicious message to anyone who has the preview pane turned on can execute a number of nasty things without the user’s knowledge.

On a related note, most spammers who send HTML mail include URLs to “webugs” or one-pixel hidden .gif images so that when a user opens up the mail message in the preview pane, Outlook tells IE to load that Image, which in turn tells the spammer that (1) that e-mail address is valid and (2) that person has read the message.  Many spammers make their money not from selling goods, but from selling lists of known valid e-mail addresses to other spammers.  

Thus, if you open a spam message once in Outlook using the preview pane, expect to get a flood of spam shortly thereafter.

If you need your customers to print the documents sent via e-mail, then send them as attachments, and ask them to open the up and print from a seperate program, such as Adobe Acrobat (for .pdf) or Word/Excel/Powerpoint.


>some customers have problems printing documents we are sending them by
>scheduled email.
>Print buttons print parts of the document or the whole document.
>The customer is getting the reports in the correct html format but the
>_javascript_ seems to be disabled.
>Is there some setting in outlook which does this. I have had a look but
>cannot find it.
>They do not get any errors, I have actually seen a customers laptop with the
>problem just ten minutes ago
>and tried to find something which is disabling this option.
>Any ideas,
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