A list is not a special datatype, its just a simple string.  There happen to
be some functions that operate on strings assuming certain delimiters but
its still just a string.

However, it looks like youre sticking dates into the IN parameter of your
query which wont work.  So, this is a sql problem not a list problem.  Can
you try and explain a bit more?


-----Original Message-----
From: Gyrus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 8:38 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: list, adding to

At 00:58 16/10/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>I would like the user to be able to update at whim and to loop through
>records and update them.

Sorry, I can't quite grasp what you're trying to do, or what the form
does... Is this an admin system for course organisers to change the dates
of courses?

>When I get to the update section I should be able to put the IDs in a list
>and then from that list get a LISTLEN
>and do a
><cfloop list="#dateList#" index="dateSessions">
>       <cfquery name="getSessionDays" datasource="">
>        UPDATE classDates
>        SET
>         classDay='#FORM.classDay#',
>         classSession='#FORM.classSession#',
>         classDates='#dateSessions#',
>         classStart='#FORM.classStart#',
>         classEnd='#FORM.classEnd#'
>        WHERE ID IN(#dateList#)
>    </cfloop>

What error do you get?

http://norlonto.net/gyrus/dev/ <http://norlonto.net/gyrus/dev/>
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