>I would like the user to be able to update at whim and to loop through
>records and update them.

Sorry, I can't quite grasp what you're trying to do, or what the form
does... Is this an admin system for course organisers to change the dates
of courses?

Yes, this is an admin system for the course organisers. They are able to
insert and edit their courses.
A course has a


Each course also has several sections, for example running on 4 consecutive
Mondays from 6:30-8:30PM.

An admin screen for editing the class schedule is represented below:

Class: Beginning Guitar [text box]
Desciption: Learn how to ... [select box]
Sessions: 4

Session  Month [drop-down] Day [drop] Class Start [drop] Class End [drop]
1            10                        8                        1PM
1            10                        15                      1PM
1            10                        22                       1PM
1            10                        29                        1PM
2 ...

I would like the user to be able to be able to use the drop down to change
the class starting and ending time, or the class day.
The record ID is in a hidden text box.

When I get to the update section I should be able to put the IDs in a list
and then from that list get a LISTLEN

and do a

<cfset dateList="#FORM.ID#"> // I tried everything I could think of.

<cfloop list="#dateList#" index="dateSessions">

      <cfquery name="getSessionDays" datasource="">

       UPDATE classDates

       WHERE ID IN(#dateList#)


yes with cftransaction,cftry and cfcatch :-0

I don't get an error msg. The update goes through but doesn't update.

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