Nicely done on ignoring every point I made, including the request to
back up your false claims about focus. I still feel DW's scripting API
is far less powerful than Homesite's, and I'd welcome any attempt to
prove my any of the facts I laid out in defense of my opinion wrong.

This whole thing started out with what I felt was a positive post
about the DW API, including an example of an extension I wrote showing
it off rather nicely I thought. You disagreed with my opinion that I
tacked on at the end, and still haven't backed it up with any facts.
To me, it seems to me that you are the one wanting to complain about
my opinions for no reason that I can see. You didn't even look at the
extension or you wouldn't have asked what kind of extension needs
recurring dir listings. Why you would go fishing for a debate, then
whine about it when you get one is beyond me.

...and since I have no issues against responding to Ad Hominem attacks
in kind...if you don't realize doc.write and innerHTML, part of
DOM1, and over 6 years old, are one and the same conceptually, you
really aren't worth discussing the issue with anyway. Kinda makes me
want to whip together some extensions and see if they sell.
I thought I went out of my way to be respectful in my post (which I
just reread to make sure, and I'm still not sure what got you so
defensive. I do apologize for any unintended slight. The ones above
are quite intended though.), and I expect the same in return.
Otherwise, you get what you give.

Friday, October 17, 2003, 1:29:39 AM, you wrote:

>> doc.write and innerHTML is the same's all writing out html
>> with _javascript_, and it's old, lame, and slow. I'd though that was
>> implied. It's all DOM 1. I wouldn't even mind DOM 1 if it was fully
>> implemented, but it's not

MTeF> It's clear to me you just like to complain for the sake of it. I was having
MTeF> the impression you would like to discuss, my mistake.

MTeF> I apologize with the list for wastiung the bandwith

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