Is anyone has success with inserting data in Oracle BLOB field?

I tried latest JDBC driver from As I found, this
driver excellently work with CLOBs (insert, select, update) and
can select BLOBs too. But when I try to insert BLOB, I receive an
error "Error casting an object of type to an incompatible type. This
usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also
mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it
was designed."

I use <CFQUERYPARAM> in <CFQUERY> to insert or update data with
cfsqltype == CF_SQL_BLOB (if I change data type to CF_SQL_BINARY,
ColdFusion throws other error: "Invalid data [EMAIL PROTECTED] for CFSQLTYPE

Also I found (it may be helpful for CF/ORACLE developers) that CFMX
DataDirect Oracle driver *really* does not support CLOBs/BLOBs at all
as well as bundle CFMX JDBC/ODBC bridge with Microsoft ODBC driver for


Environment details
* ColdFusion MX 6.1 ENT.
* Windows 2000 SP4 + postfixes
* Oracle 8.1.7
* Oracle client, JDBC driver (ojdbc14.jar,,
* CLOB and BLOB checkboxes in datasource configuration in CF Admin are

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