This is the code I have got on my Coldfusion file

<CFHTTP url="" METHOD="GET" RESOLVEURL="true" throwonerror="yes"/>
<cfoutput>#CFHTTP.FileContent# </cfoutput>

I get an error:

You are not authorized to view this page

You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.

Can somebody tell me what am I doing wrong

>Hello everybody,
>I'm trying to call a .asp file from my coldfusion page
>using cfhttp and I keep getting errors. Both files are
>on the same server, just different folders under the
>site webroot.
>This should explain it:
>The ColdFusion file is in
>and the ASP file is in
>Can somebody show me how to use cfhttp to call the asp
>file (menu.asp) in my coldfusion file
>Many Thanks
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