Ok.  That is what I am doing.  My code on the action page looks like this

<cfset variables.mandupload = trim(FORM.mandupload)>
<cfset variables.optupload = trim(FORM.optupload)>

<cfif  variables.mandupload NEQ "">
    <cffile action="" filefield="mandupload ">

<cfif  variables.optupload NEQ "">
    <cffile action="" filefield="optupload">

Then, in the cffile tags I am using the to variables set to the trimmed form
field values.  The problem is that on the action page, if the user did not
select the optional upload, it still returns a temporary file path.  So in
the debugging information at the bottom of my page, I get the following form

Form Variables:
mandupload = /tmp/3445502
optupload = /tmp/309992992

On any other browser / OS, if the user does not select the optional form
field, nothing gets sent accross.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 12:52 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: problem with file uploads on a MAC

  You need to make sure you trim any 'file' field.

  IE on a Mac (can't remember which version) always seems to add a
  Linefeed Character when the 'file' field is blank

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Michael Hodgdon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 20 October 2003 16:24
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: problem with file uploads on a MAC

  I was hoping I could get some help on the list.  Sort of at a loss for
  one.  I am aware there are know issues with the MAC and IE doing for
  uploads.  I have two upload boxes on a page.  The first is required and
  second is optional.  If a user selects both upload options, my code runs
  through fine.  However, because of the temp file issue with MACS, if the
  user does not select a file for the second option, code errors out
  it tries an upload.

  Has anybody had this issue before?  Do you know a way around it?

  Let me know


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