Dave Watts wrote:
> Common business practices are often considered unethical (especially by
> people who don't benefit from those practices); what people are allowed to
> do by law is not necessarily the same as what they should do.
> Eolas doesn't actually produce anything. To the best of my knowledge, they
> didn't ever implement their idea, they just thought it up and rushed to the
> patent office with it.

IIRC they bought it from the University of California.

>>They have offered to license their patent to Microsoft, so
>>they are certainly playing fair.
> I was under the impression that they did not offer to license their patent
> to Microsoft. I agree that they are "playing fair" in the sense that their
> actions are legal, and maximize shareholder benefits, but they will
> certainly have a negative effect on lots of third parties who have done them
> no harm.

I am sure a Eolas lawyer would rephrase that as: Who have
profited from Eolas intellectual property without compensation.


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