I was trying to consume a simple ASP.NET webservice from a ColdFusion template and found that the service could not find the ASP.NET webmethod directly via URL.  Instead, it seemed to work only when I mapped the webservice name in the ColdFusion administrator.  BTW, I'm using CFMX 6.1.

For example, here is the web method which I'll call wsSimple.asmx:

public string sayHello(string yourName)
    return "Hello, " + yourName;

Here is a snippet of code from the ColdFusion page:

   <cfinvoke webservice="http://someDomain/wsSimple.asmx?wsdl" method="sayHello" returnvariable="wsMsg">
        <cfinvokeargument name="yourName" value="user1">

        WriteOutput("Message from the web service: <br>" & wsMsg );

Instead, if I map the webservice in CF administrator using the same URL as in the CFML above (http://someDomain/wsSimple.asmx?wsdl) as "wsDotNetSimple," everything works as expected.  Any ideas?
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