oi Neal!!

do a listlast based on / then do a left(xxx,len(xxx-4)



Thursday, October 30, 2003, 12:16:28 PM, you wrote:

BN> Hello folks...

BN> I am trying to strip part of a url and then take part of the url string and
BN> save it as a variable.

BN> Example:

BN> If I have a url like: http://www.mysite.com/bubbagump.htm
BN> <http://www.mysite.com/bubbagump.htm>

BN> I want to remove the ".htm" and save "bubbagump" as the variable.

BN> Currently I have it working if the url string is
BN> "http://www.mysite.com/bubbagump <http://www.mysite.com/bubbagump> " I save
BN> "bubbagump" as a variable using the code below.

BN> <cfset page = ListFirst(CGI.URL,"/")>

BN> Somehow I need to do both whether it has .htm at the end or not and store
BN> the remanding as the variable.

BN> Any ideas...

BN> Thanks,
BN> - Neal

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