Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
The Children's Medical Center
One Children's Plaza
Dayton, OH 45404


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/31/2003 9:34:29 AM >>>
What is the name of the other one are thinking of checking out?

-----Original Message-----
From: Candace Cottrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 9:29 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Anybody have an opinion on

I have three sites with them. I like them a lot, their customer service is
excellent. However, I recently found a cheaper plan with another company,
and am considering moving one of my sites to there just to see what happens.

Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
The Children's Medical Center
One Children's Plaza
Dayton, OH 45404
937-641-4293 <>


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/31/2003 7:25:35 AM >>>
I have had several CF sites at HostMySite, two with SQL Server. Customer
service was excellent; all hours you could always call and get a quick
response. Site performance/uptime was generally very good, only a very few
times when a server went down briefly -- attributable mostly to early CFMX
issues I think.

I moved these sites only when I got a dedicated server, which I wanted to
have closer to home. But I would definitely recommend them for shared
hosting. Excellent value based on my experience.


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