>What is an unsupported platform anyway? Ever tried to get support from
>Microsoft for Windows? Ever found a bug in Windows and demanded that
>Microsoft fix it? There are plenty of companies that specialize in
>supporting platforms whether they be Windows, Solaris, or Linux, so its
>not like you can't get support if you want it even if you stay on Red
>Hat. Further, some of these organizations will even fix bugs in Linux
>for you if needed. Try and get that level of support with any other

To me, an unsupported platform, in the context of my post, is one where
there is no longer any active work being done to verify/fix/release bugs,
patches, service packs, errata, etc. I don't mean support as in making a
phone call to figure out why an installation isn't working.

I believe that up2date will not continue to work on RH pre-version 9 distros
after Dec. 31.

>IMHO, the way to go is to bet on superior technology instead of
>superior marketing. I'll take a "unsupported" mature stable platform
>over a "supported" hole-ridden platform any day.

Yes, but superior technology does not stay superior if it's left to wither,
or, at the very least, if it's put on the backburner.

>You don't have to upgrade your version of Red Hat to get bug fixes and
>security patches. The community releases updated RPMs very quickly for
>all combinations of kernel and glibc iterations. Further, there are
>services that allow for automatic updates of you installation if that
>is desirable.

This I know. However, will the community continue to develop for and release
RPMs for retired products? Sure, but I doubt it would be at the current
rapid pace.

>Linux is popular for many reasons and Red Hat's decisions won't affect
>that as Linux exists outside of Red Hat. There will always be
>distributions that are free as in beer.

However, for the purposes of this list, those other distros aren't
necessarily supported by Macromedia, which is something you need to keep in
mind when planning your environment.


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