> I believe that up2date will not continue to work on RH pre-version 9
> distros
> after Dec. 31.
That may be true, but that is simply a service provided by Red Hat.
There are other ways of achieving the same thing without relying on Red

> Yes, but superior technology does not stay superior if it's left to
> wither,
> or, at the very least, if it's put on the backburner.
There is a significant community around the creation and maintaining of
RPMs for many distributions. There is no reason to think that this
community will suddenly cease to exist because Red Hat is no longer
contributing to it.

> This I know. However, will the community continue to develop for and
> release
> RPMs for retired products? Sure, but I doubt it would be at the current
> rapid pace.
The community will continue and I doubt the pace will be affected.

> However, for the purposes of this list, those other distros aren't
> necessarily supported by Macromedia, which is something you need to
> keep in
> mind when planning your environment.
That is a problem Macromedia will have to address. If they want to
support Linux, they are going to have to support non-discontinued

Matt Liotta
President & CEO
Montara Software, Inc.
(888) 408-0900 x901

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