> I have a need to display to a client exactly what is being
> transferred with a given HTTP request. This is being done to
> evaluate and explain caching.
> So, for example, if a page has 10 images, I would like to
> find a piece of software that creates a sort of summary of
> the request, and lists the elements that were transfered
> (each image, etc). Does anyone know if something exists or
> how one would create such a beast?

As Barney mentioned, most load test software lets you record browser
sessions. However, that might be more trouble than it's worth, if you don't
want to figure out how the load test software works. You can also use packet
sniffers (Ethereal, for example) or HTTP sniffers (EffeTech HTTP Sniffer,
for example) or recording proxies (Stretch -

> Also, I want to make absolutely sure that the browser is not
> caching anything. To address this, I have used the CFHEADER
> tag with the Expires, Pragma and Cache-Control values. Is
> this enough? Am i missing something? I want to ensure that
> the same image is sent down with every page request and not
> cached, without changing settings on the browser.

Is there a reason why you don't want to cache anything? There's rarely a
reason not to cache images, for example. If you want to ensure images aren't
cached, you will probably have to disable client cache support in the web
server if that's possible, or use CF to serve images for you (which will
slow things down a bit).

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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