Microsoft's decision to promote this technology is great because it
shows real innovation and creative thinking.

For what it is worth, I expect this product will fail to persuade
developers to use it similar to the way Microsoft Music Producer and
Microsoft Direct Animation did. But 'Sparkle' is such a better name
than, say, 'Microsoft Vector Image Display' - it's nice to see the
company making progress on naming their projects.


-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel Neff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 3:14 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: M$ "flash killer"

It'll be 7-10 years before you can consider using this for any real
application.  It requires the avalon sub-system which means we're
2006, and will only work for longhorne users, which means a very limited
user base for a long time (how many people still use windows 98?).

Also, a lot can change in that timeframe.  OSX is growing in popularity
MS might not even have so much of a monopoly and cross-platform support
could be even more of an issue--which would negate any possibility of
avalon-specific technologies.

However, I could see something to render XAML in Flash or an XSLT to
XAML to LZX or whatever Royale will use.

My $0.02.


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