Personally I write custom code if CFGRID-like functionality is required....let's face it...that tag has always had issues ;-)

Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

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Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
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  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Mickael
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 1:09 PM
  Subject: CFGRID is a pain


  I am experiencing difficulties with CFGRID with my clients in an app that I build sometime back.  It worked fine before but now many of them have moved to XP and after download the java (which was enough of an annoyance)  they complain that many times when they are updating my tables via CFGRID it crashes their IE.

  Thanks in advance


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