The question was theoritical in nature, not everyone scopes variables, I'm sure we all realize.

- Calvin
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Philip Arnold
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:19 AM
  Subject: RE: Re[2]: Best Practices

  > And incidentally, I wonder how it is handled if you send the
  > same named variable in the query string and a form field with
  > method POST... If it were 2 form fields with the same name,
  > you would typically get a comma delimited list, but I suspect
  > that it might not work that way with the query string and
  > form field technique.

  Well, it would hand the one that you scope it to

  If you ask for URL.myVar, then you'd get the URL version
  If you ask for form.myVar, then you'd get the Form version

  You DO scope your variables, don't you?

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