> I did check my query, and it's working, though I had to put

So the query returned the right, new roles, and you are sure you are
passing it to the cfloginuser tag?

> in the loop to trim the results, as I 'm getting spaces
> appended by ValueList. I took out the piece checking for the
> definition of cflogin, same problem. I think my assumption on
> cflogin was correct - nothing in there runs if the cflogin
> structure exists. I don't know if cfloginuser will work on

Incorrect again. cflogin as a scope  is simply a "handler" for login
attempts. Stuff inside cflogin will always run if you are not logged in.
cflogin.* will exist if a login attempt is made.

> its own - I guess I could just elminate cflogin and see if that works.

Yes, again, try using form.*, ie, this is a typical login for me:

<cfapplication ...>


<cfset showForm = true>
<cfif isDefined("form.username") and isDefined("form.password")>
<!--- authenticate the user with something in here --->
<cfif good>
<cfloginuser name="#form.username#"
password="#form.password#" roles="somethjing">
<cfset showForm = false>

<cfif showForm>
<cfinclude template="login.cfm">


<cfif isDefined("url.logout")>
<cflocation url=""> </cfif>

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