> Ok, I was searching the archives for a way to force a file to
> download (rather then open in the browser) and came up with
> this code:
> <CFHEADER NAME="content-disposition" VALUE="attachment;
> filename=new.doc">
> <CFCONTENT TYPE="application/octet-stream"
> FILE="E:\path\new.doc" DELETEFILE="NO">  
> This should cause the browser to prompt to download the file
> rather then try to open it, yes? But I can't seem to get it to
> work. It just displays the unformatted contents of the document,
> like this kind of stuff:
> ÐÏࡱá>þÿ "$þÿÿÿ!
> Am I doing something wrong here?  I should note that I'm
> using IE 6 (and so are the people who will use the
> application I'm developing).

You may have to close all instances of the browser, and try again.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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