
The company a friend of mine works for is starting to look at search
engines like Verity, Google, Altavista or DTSearch for searching as he
puts it:

>they want to be able to search the IETM database (on their own server
>for their DWAN, which they call a web server because it uses the same
>protocols) and also on the end user's own hard drive.

He's been tasked to look into it and get some ideas and estimates.
Anyhow he's not experienced enough in this area to ask intelligent
questions about this to the sales people. For some reason he thought I
might be, (fool that he is in that case). Anyhow its not my area, but I
thought that someone on the CF-Talk list might have some experience with
these or other intranet search engines and would be willing to give
hints etc.

Any help or suggestions on what to ask would be appreciated. I'll be
passing all suggestions over to him.



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