Thanks Dave.
Just what I was fishing for... As a visual learner I need an example to help
understand the concept.

Here is what I have come up with. Tested, works, and solved my problem.
<cfset My2DArray = ArrayNew(2)>
<cfloop index="row" from="1" to="#query.RecordCount#">
<CFSET My2DArray[row][1] = "#query.var_name[row]#">
<CFSET My2DArray[row][2] = "#query.var_id[row]#">
<CFSET My2DArray[row][3] = "#query.var_count[row]#">
<cfset firstLetter = "A">
<cfset count="1">
<cfif My2DArray[count][1] NEQ "">
<cfloop condition="count LTE ArrayLen(My2DArray)">
<cfif Left(My2DArray[count][1],1) NEQ firstLetter>
  <cfset firstLetter = left(My2DArray[count][1],1)>
  <cfset NewElement = ArrayNew(1)>
  <cfset NewElement[1] = "">
  <cfset NewElement[2] = "">
  <cfset NewElement[3] = "">
  <cfset InsertSuccess = ArrayInsertAt(My2DArray, #count#, NewElement)>
<cfset count = count + 1>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 4:46 PM
Subject: RE: Inserting rows into a 2d array

> Something like this might work:
> <cfset My2DArray = ArrayNew(2)>
> <cfset My2DArray[1][1] = "outer 1 inner 1">
> <cfset My2DArray[1][2] = "outer 1 inner 2">
> <cfset My2DArray[2][1] = "outer 2 inner 1">
> <cfset My2DArray[2][2] = "outer 2 inner 2">
> <cfset NewElement = ArrayNew(1)>
> <cfset NewElement[1] = "foo">
> <cfset NewElement[2] = "bar">
> <cfset rs = ArrayInsertAt(My2DArray, 2, NewElement)>
> Note that I haven't tested this, exactly, but something close to this
> work. You could also create the element in place, then populate it, I
> suspect.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> voice: (202) 797-5496
> fax: (202) 797-5444

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