(sorry sent last message before it was finished)

Thanks Ian,

> What took me a little to get my head around, when I first learned Cold
> Fusion Arrays, is that, when you have a two dimension Array, it does
> not have to be a grid or table.  It is more proper to visualize it as a
> dimension array, that each element contains individual one dimension
> arrays. Thus you can have different size arrays at each element.

Yes, understanding that each element contains an individual one dimension
array was the ah ha moment for me. Was looking for an example to get it
through my thick head...

> ...don't bother creating a blank placeholder array. Just put the
> ArrayNew(1) function as the third parameter of the ArrayInsertAt
> function.  This creates a blank new array at the new position.  Then,
> if you later decide you need to put data here, you can just use simple
> assignment.

I need the three elements in the new array or logic that uses the new array
will choke when it hits a non-existence element. At most there are any about
20 inserts on the largest record set processed so I don't it makes much
difference to the speed.

> ...just as a last thought.  Your method requires the code to loop through
> all the data three times. Once to transfer the data from the query to the
> array, once to process blank rows into the array, and a third time
> to display it.  I would be a bit leery for something like this on a high
> traffic page with a large data set.

Efficiency is now the challenge. Was suspicious of this and testing
confirmed that record sets of 100 or more were noticeably slower even on
fast development server. Converting to a CFscript helped. Tickcount is still
about 70 ms with record set of 500.

Any suggestions to help speed it up?
My2DArray = ArrayNew(2);
row = 1;
while (row LTE query.RecordCount)
  My2DArray[row][1] = query.city_name[row];
  My2DArray[row][2] = query.lcid[row];
  My2DArray[row][3] = query.listingcount[row];
  row = row + 1;
firstLetter = "A";
countVar = 1;
// if (ArrayLen(My2DArray) GT 20)
while (countVar LTE (ArrayLen(My2DArray)))
  if (Left(My2DArray[countVar][1],1) NEQ firstLetter)
   firstLetter = left(My2DArray[countVar][1],1);
   NewElement = ArrayNew(1);
   NewElement[1] = "";
   NewElement[2] = "";
   NewElement[3] = "";
   InsertSuccess = ArrayInsertAt(My2DArray, countVar, NewElement);
   countVar = countVar + 1;
  else {countVar = countVar + 1;}

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