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You can monitor more than just CF with it.


> We have been suffering from this problem with CFMX 6.1 that a lot of
> people seem to have been having, where CF seizes up periodically. Every
> time this happens we have to log in remotely and restart the CFMX
> services.
> I'm trying to set up a system on my desktop that will detect that
> there's a problem on the server and fix it automatically. Maybe I'm
> making this too complicated, but this is what I've done:
> 1. Downloaded Swatch from  (great job Duncan)
> 2. Set it to monitor the site periodically and if it fails, mail me and
> also run wget to hit an ASP script on the server (I'm assuming ASP will
> work even even CF is stuck).
> 3. The ASP page does this:
> Dim shell
> Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
> shell.Run "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cfmxrestart.bat"
> Set shell = nothing
> 4. Then finally, cfmxrestart.bat does this (thanks Pete)
> @echo off
> REM - File: cfmxrestart.bat
> REM - Description: Restart's ColdFusion MX Services
> REM - Author: Pete Freitag CFDEV.COM
> net stop "ColdFusion MX Application Server"
> net stop "ColdFusion MX ODBC Agent"
> net stop "ColdFusion MX ODBC Server"
> net start "ColdFusion MX Application Server"
> net start "ColdFusion MX ODBC Agent"
> net start "ColdFusion MX ODBC Server"
> I'm testing this all out and everything seems to work except the ASP
> script. Both locally and remotely, it just seems to hang. So:
> - Does anyone know how to get it to work?
> - Is there a better way of doing this?
> Thanks
> Nick
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