Has the client specifically said "use MS-Word"?

How about using PDF document with editable fields. This way the client can fill in the blanks and print out the application as needed and you can send the information to and from the database (by adding a submit button as an electronic signature).

Usually, I'm not a big fan of PDF documents, however, in this case, this is what the format is really good at... allowing people to fill in and print paper documents in an on-line setting.


>I working on an application that pulls info from a database and
>popluates a fields of a contract.  In the past I would generate an
>HTML display of the contract in seperate window and from there the
>users would just print it out.  Sometimes, however, condition of the
>contract may need to  slightly modified before printing.  
>I would like to push the contract to the client browser as MS word.  
>If the user wants to edit, save, or print the contract they can.  
>What's the best way to I handle this?
>Dwayne Cole, MS in MIS, MBA
>Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer

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