Actually, depending on how he's doing things _javascript_ might not be
feasible. If the file/folder listing view is a ftp window in the frame, then
he probably won't be able to use _javascript_.

If it's a cf/html listing of files, then it's easy and doesn't even really
need _javascript_. Just use the target attribute in the <a href> for each link
and point it to the other frame.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 8:13 AM
Subject: RE: Can this be done??

>   ... the _javascript_
> FAQ's.... learned most of my js there many moons ago...  don't know how
> up to date it is but certainly give you examples of things that you
> could use to achieve what you want
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bushy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 26 November 2003 14:02
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Can this be done??
> Do you know where I could find some examples?
> --Original Message Text---
> From: Heald, Tim
> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 08:56:10 -0500
> _javascript_.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bushy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 8:56 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: re: Can this be done??
> Hi,
> I have a frame split in half (topframe & bottomframe).
> I the top frame I'm listing directories/files which have links to them.
> Beside each directory/file is an image that when clicked I want to send
> the link information to the bottom frame as  the path. Each time a link
> is clicked the bottom frame would get updated with a new entry.
> For example (+ is directory, - is files):
> Top frame listing
> -------------------------
> Directory Listing:
> + changes
> + delivery
> + late
> + schedule
> - data.txt
> - test.txt
> - mywork.txt
> So if a user click on a the directory "changes" link the file path and
> name are passed to the bottom frame. user then click on the directory
> "late" and then filename "test.txt"
> Bottom frame:
> ---------------------
> changes
> late
> test.txt
> How could this be done?
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