Your question made me realize that perhaps I don't even need to use the wonder my app was so slow...

oh well.... thanks :)

>Hi Everyone, I'm new to the list.
>First question.. I have a five dimensional array... I want to get the
>of items located in the last array element. How do I do this..?
>in the example below you see there are three elements at the last position.
>I've tried <ArrayLen(aExample[1][2][1][1])> but that throws errors after
>third array element.
>aExample[1][2][1][1][1] = "blah"
>aExample[1][2][1][1][2] = "blah2"
>aExample[1][2][1][1][3] = "blah3"
>_                   ______
>Daniel Farmer
>Web Developer Consultant
>P: 613.284.1684
>   _____
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