
Thanks for pointing that out.  I never changed the heap size through JMC,
always edited jvm.config.  Advocating moving from JRun to another server due
to this bug seems a really radical step when you can just make changes to
jvm.config instead of using the JMC.

Besides, if you use the JMC you can only have one jvm.config which is
global.  You need to do it manually to use separate jvm.config files for
each server instance (which is a JRun limitation in my opinion).

Best regards,



-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Brodie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 8:23 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Problems using JRUN4 and CFMX together.


This situation occurs when one tries to add additional classpaths within the
JRUN management console (such as thin Oracle drivers or applications having
additional classpaths). The server argurments within the jre.config are
switched preventing the JRUN default server from restarting (and by
correlarry the any other applications)

This only occures when attempting to run Cold Fusion as an application
within JRUN. (The second install option). This error does not occur when
using Cold Fusion in Websphere, Weblogic, Tomcat or through the fist install
option where Cold Fusion is run with an embedded JRUN server (in fact this
in not a Cold Fusion error, it is an error within JRUN!). Unless one adds
classpaths to JRUN for additional functionality, one will one get this

I have also included a reference from the Macromedia forums from others
having the same issue and Macromedia QA noting that this is a bug within


Jeremy Brodie
an Edgewater Technology Solutions Company

phone:(703) 815-2500
nasdaq symbol: EDGE

>Huh?  What class-path issues with CFMX on JRun?  I've run in this
>configuration on several computers (as well as with WebLogic) and haven't
>had any "classpath" issues.
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