Sorry guys, <cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace="yes"> does not work. I tried what you suggested John, but the email genereated displays everythign in one line and it does'nt seem to be a elegant solution because I have more than 50 cfif conditions

>Are you sending TYPE="HTML" or not?  I know I've had some problems in the
>past with plain text emailing in CF.
>I think what you need to do is put everything on one line like this and
>inside your CFIF, put a linebreak character (I think it's CHR(13))
><cfmail from="#frommail#" to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" server="someserver"
>port="25" subject="Order">
>Any Comments=#AnyComments#<cfif shoppingBasket neq 0>#chr(13)#Shopping
>Basket=#shoppingBasket#</cfif><cfif username neq 0>#chr(13)#User
>Let me know if that works for ya.
>John Burns
>-----Original Message-----
>From: cf coder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 9:09 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re:cfmail pre-formatting
>I've tried that, it doesn't get rid of the line break
>>have you tried <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly = "yes"> inside to prevent any
>>extraneous stuff?
>>tony weeg
>>senior web applications architect
>>navtrak, inc.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: cf coder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 9:10 AM
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: cfmail pre-formatting
>>Hello everybody,
>>I have a problem formatting the contents within the body of cfmail. In my
>>cfmail body I have a number of cfif conditions to check if the user has
>>entered any value to form fields.
>>Here is my code:
>><cfmail from="#frommail#" to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>>server="someserver" port="25" subject="Order">
>>Any Comments=#AnyComments#
>><cfif shoppingBasket neq 0>Shopping
>><cfif username neq 0>User Name=#username#</cfif>
>>So if someone left the shoppingBasket form field empty, the email
>>leaves a space in its place
>>Sample output:
>>Any Comments=test Comments
>>I don't want to display the line break, I don't understand why cfmail
>>genereated the line break. Can somebody show me how to get round this
>>annoying problem
>>Best Regards
>>CF Coder
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