it that I am asking a really stupid question, or does no one

a) whether it's even possible to reference .cfcs using either CFINVOKE
or CFOBJECT with a directory structure like this
b) If so how to do it?

Oreilly programming CFMX says this:

"This is known as package notation. In the Java world, it's typical to
create packages for storing your class files. For example, for the company we've been using throughout the book, you might
create a package off the web root called com.example
(webroot\com\example). In the \example subdirectory, you would
categorize your CFCs according to functionality. For example, you might
have a subdirectory called \utils for utility CFCs, \news for
news-related CFCs, etc. To refer to CFCs in a package, you use dot
notation in the component attribute, such as com.example.utils.employee
to refer to the employee CFC. "

So I have a simple /components directory off the webroot.

So "components.helpdesk_users" should do the trick. But it doesn't work.

<cfinvokeargument NAME="userid" VALUE="#userid#"/>

Produces the error:

Could not find the ColdFusion Component components.helpdesk_users.

Please check that the given name is correct and that the component

Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong or if this is even possible?


-----Original Message-----
From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just some additional info, I have gotten the CFCs to work perfectly via
the FORM Action attribute using the html pathname of the CFC.

<Action="" Method="POST">

Works fine.

Can't get the CFINVOKE to work.


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