I agree. I always enjoyed CF Studio. DW has always been a dissapointment to me. Althought MX is not bad. I do like the built in references.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Tom Kitta
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 11:36 AM
  Subject: RE: Joining the dark side - using DWMX

  CFS5 Kicks DWMX ass anytime. It is faster and more stable. I don't care what
  hardware you are on - the bottom line is that CFS5 is faster than DWMX on
  any hardware. Plus the layout of the program as well as ease of use is much
  better. Sometimes making the user responsible for more things is better - DW
  is trying to think for the user too much - this creates problems as I want
  to feel that I am in charge. CFS5 has a nice blend of control. In my office
  few people (including myself) tried DWMX and after playing around with it
  are still with studio. Later on we might upgrade to HS6 once it comes out
  (if ever). If MM drops HS product line completely they will loose us as
  customers since we will move to alternate editors.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 10:28 AM
    To: CF-Talk
    Subject: Re: Joining the dark side - using DWMX

    FYI~ u can make your own custom toolbar in DWmx 2004 in a few easy clicks.
    Its great u can mix and match what u use and have it all right there.
    if you have memory problems, spend $10 and get some more memory.

    i run a p4 2.4 ghz dell with 768mb rdram and dw is very fast

    > The main reason I won't do that is because I rely on my custom toolbars
    > so much.
    > Besides, they aren't THAT different...
    > Pete
    > Raymond Camden wrote:
    >> Just as an FYI, if you are still using CFS5, you should really
    >> consider upgrading to HomeSite+ 5.5.
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