> Is there a way to hack IIS that ships with XP Pro to allow it
> to serve mutliple sites? This is for development purposes.

No, not to my knowledge. If there were, it would probably violate your
software license in any case.

> Alternatively, is there a way to set up a local site to serve
> different domains with host headers? If I run a local DNS server
> or someething like that?

You could just use Apache instead, or you could use the built-in JRun server
assuming you're using CFMX. Or, you could have multiple names pointed to
your one IIS server, using either a DNS server or your hosts file, and use
CF to figure out how to redirect requests based on the host name requested.

I'd generally recommend that you just use Apache, though.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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