Good points all, John.  

I was indeed taking a very simplistic view of the length of the string.  And something I haven't given a lot of thought to was the depth of the folders.  Very interesting.

>p.s. it would also help if you repeat that
>info in the <title> tag as well as in a <h1> near the top of the page.

By and large we're doing that, but we've played around with alternatives on non-critical pages.  It *seems* -- and take this single-source anecdotal experience for what its worth -- that keywords in the filename alone are the single largest determining factor in elevating placement.  Maybe a top-10 ranking on that alone.  

Add in the meta title and you're a solid candidate for #1.  Make it the title of the page as well (we use a named style rather than tying a style to <h1>, but thats a *great* idea) and, so far, we're hitting #1 consistently.

And as I'm sure you know this won't happen for hotly contested keywords.  "ColdFusion", for example.  The trick is of course to pick something attainable, useful to the client and searched-upon.

Your points on SE marketing are right on.  I think the marketing side gets short shrift from the tech side, but marketing is very often the reason a commercial site exists in the first place.

Matt Robertson,     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.

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